Wimbledon Dental

Dr Nizar Hammodeh

Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon

GDC-Number: 83100

Statutory Exam 2004 | MFD RCS Irel 2001 | DDS Damascus University 1996

Dr Nizar has spent four years in training posts in London NHS hospitals. He is currently a staff-grade surgeon in Oral Surgery at Northwick Park and The Hillingdon Hospitals. He has been in this post for more than 15 years, and he has been working in the field of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery since qualification in 1996.

Nizar obtained the MFD from the Royal College of Surgeons in 2001, and in 2011, he gained an MSc in Dental Implantology from Warwick University.

Nizar has a young family which keeps him busy, and he is also a board member of UOSSM a registered charity providing humanitarian and medical assistance to all victims of the war in Syria and the Middle East.

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  • location
    5-7 Wimbledon Bridge
  • Wimbledon
  • SW19 7NH
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